Sunday, October 02, 2005

Just a thought!

Last week I rebuilt the WAV static model to improve the wing and tail configuration. In the process I decided to build a plug to assist in building the “DUCT-VANE” a concept I have been working on for some time. This proved to be beneficial in building the Duct-Vane. I was able to reinforce the trailing edge; thereby ridding the inner ring, this will improve the trust flow. Now the control surfaces need detailing. The concept is there, but the mechanics need to operate smoothly.

This week I started building the flying test model, with a 29” wingspan. The choice of material is hard for me, because, I would like it to be resilient to hard landing for the test flights, and yet ultra light as possible. The earlier version of the DUCTLING’s are made from foam. The most successful was the VeeBee at 22oz. with hardware, it sustained damage well. Now I’m looking at a composite process, a mixture of foam, wood, and papier-mâché. The weight factor is questionable, and do is the resilience to sustain damage. I’m hoping it will maintain a glide this time, if so; the hard landings won’t be a factor. The goal is able to glide and sustain that, and to fly it self.
To do is to find out…. Trial by error…. Spoken like a true explorer.
One step at a time… I need to build it, and make it fly. I am getting closer I know…

Just a thought!
I finally went to the se the movie Stealth. The FA-37 Talon was an eye catching spectacle. The possibilities sparked my inspirations to investigate this craft. One blog touched on the subject nicely. In Dean’s Weblog, he point out the concept it’s origins and similarities to the X-29. Based on the Northrop Grumman Switchblade the FA-37 Talon was fabricated.
The Switchblade has something I would like to borrow from. The WAV may have a bigger brother. Some time back I dreamed of a flying camper, called the LOON.
Have you watched TV series called “Connection”? It was a clever display of how one invention influenced another or how one could not have come to exist without the other. The connection that came to be the innovative machine of today, like the computer. Did you know it started with the loom? A textile machine for weaving yarn into a textile. Wat is the connection?
Back to the Loon….
The thought was there but not clear, and now the birth of a new inspiration may grow into something tangible. Thank you stealth….

Some things are meant to be…

The dream goes on… BetterFly…. ~v~